Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tiki By Harry Johnson

Tiki on lower leg. Blatantly stolen from Flamin’ Eights MySpace page ….

Tiki refers to large wood and stone carvings of humanoid forms in Central Eastern Polynesian cultures of the Pacific Ocean. The term is also used in Māori mythology where Tiki is the first man, created by either Tūmatauenga or Tāne. He found the first woman, Marikoriko, in a pond. She seduced him and he became the father of Hine-kau-ataata. In the Māori language, the word 'tiki' was the name given to large wooden carvings in roughly human shape, although this is a somewhat archaic usage. The carvings often serve to mark the boundaries of sacred or significant sites.

Traditional Tattoos – Naresh Bhana Flamin’ Eight

Traditional Tattoos (also known as Classic or Old-School Tattoos) are reminiscent of the style used from the early 1900s - 1950s. At that time, a limited selection of ink colour affected the tattoo artist's design capabilities. Artists relied on bold black outlines with very little shading, using the spot colours; green, red, yellow, and the occasional blue or brown. Popular subjects were naval and armed forces emblems, pin-up girls, heart and dagger tattoos, eagle tattoos and Harley Davidson symbols. These often included a banner or ribbon, with lettering relevant to the theme. An example would be a pin-up girl tattoo with a ribbon that says "MAN'S RUIN". The master of this tattoo era is Norman "Sailor Jerry" Collins (1911-1973)
These days no such colour limits remain and there are even inks that glow under UV light yet the traditional style remains.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Some more tattoos from Julia Seizure

teeny lil' hummingbird on the inside of a girls wrist/arm and extended the cherry blossom piece done a while back... spot the lil’ birdy in there too?

Harry – Birds Poster

Well as you can see this is a work in progress but the client was good enough to send a photo of what has been done thus far. The work is a poster from the Alfred Hitchcock film “The Birds” and as you can see is very, very good. The shadows are outstanding!

Harry’s Tiny Pin-up Girl

A chap did come in for a minute pinup. At first Harry was rather concerned that it might be a bit too small but after some much needed simplification I think he did it justice, tiny as it was.

F8 Forum – A mean tattoo in the making–feller needs some advice.

The post reads:
Hi all,
I've been thinking about this tattoo for ages and really want a big v twin motorbike engine on my bike i've done some mock ups of it but am worried about the how the chrome in the images will work as a gray scale tattoo. i've got 2 basic mock ups that i am looking at one a normal and ones an inverted colour image to make it darker wanting advice on how to really get this idea to work as a tattoo.
Visit the forum page and give him some wisdom.

link to large images is:

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Two fantastic tattoos from Harry Johnson Flamin’ Eight Tattoo

The koi is an extension of a tattoo that Harry did NOT do. The line work is outstanding!!
The Robot – described in Harry’s blog as “Robowhore”

F8 Tattoo Forum

Why not tottle over to the F8 forum and get some discussions moving?

Neo-Polynesian Tattoo By Naresh Bhana

Neo-Polynesian Tattoo by Naresh Bhana, Flamin' Eight Tattoo, London, UK


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Skull – Naresh @ Portsmouth South Parade Pier Tattoo Extravaganza


Julia Seizure on Cyril

He sat really well, even though I could tell he was really suffering! Started doing some soft browns as colour fill towards the end, but ended up not doing much as I think he's reached his limit!

Sunday Bloody Sundae – Sweet Desert Tattoo

Julia Seizure 22/3/2011
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Nice Coi Tattoo – Julia Seizure Flamin’ Eight


Broken heartHello from El Patron in Hong Kong
Posted by El Patron on Thursday, May 19, 2011 · Leave a Comment
El Patron Hong Kong FlagWell well well – what’s it going to be then eh?
I applied for and was accepted by T.A.R as a guest blogger a few days ago and it is my intention and hopefully my pleasure to blog about tattoos and tattoo news whenever I get the opportunity. I am based in Hong Kong and so I will be focusing on the Asia-Pacific scene in particular.
A few little things about me first. I live and work in Hong Kong and have always been interested in tattoos ever since I saw my brother’s tattoos as a kid and was always mystified by what happened in the “tattoo parlour” that he disappeared into from time to time – kids were not allowed  in to watch!! I have two kids and a wife here in Hong Kong and I have the grand total of two tattoos, technically five actually, to my name – but I am getting more work real soon…..
imageMy first tattoo was a small Celtic knot that I had done at Dragon Tattoo in Tel Aviv, Israel. At the time I got it I was proud as punch of it but the more I looked at it the more I grew to see it was terribly done, the line work was awful and the colour fading
Img_8367My second tattoo is an armband done in Auckland, New Zealand. It took an age to do and was very painful on the tender bit inside my arm. I kind of like the tattoo even though the line work is a bit suspect. It is this arm I want to get added to maybe to make a half sleeve – keeping the best parts of this armband and covering up the dodgy bits…
tinter3My Third tattoo is actually a cover up for the Celtic Knot that I had done in Tel Aviv, Israel. The Koi fishes represent my two sons and the lotus flower represents my wife. The lotus flower in darkish purple covers up the Celtic knot. The work was done by Julia Seizure when she was the owner of Star Crossed Tattoo in Hong Kong – by the way I “did” the website for Star Crossed so pay the site a visit and admire my handiwork. Julia took almost 4 hours to complete the task in one sitting and by god it hurt like hell when the needle started jabbing near my armpit! By the way Julia now works at Flamin’ Eight in London’s Kentish town
Img_8362Img_8363Technically these last two pics are the fourth and fifth tattoos. I got them done by Julia Seizure again just before she left Hong Kong. They are my son’s Chinese names
One of the first things I want to do with my blog entries is to give some news snippets and updates about Asia-Pacific tattoo conventions. I will also be doing some shop reviews once I get my lazy ass into gear!
Well this is El Patron signing off for now.

Blog Master – Flamin’ Eight Blog
Web Master – Flamin’ Eight Website
Blog Master – Kenton Bar Estate – A Blast From The Past

Humble Web-Feller

Ha Ha - your humble web-feller  ‘El Patron’is now a guest blogger on Tattoo Artist Register. Check out

El Patron - Guest Blogger for Tattoo Artist Register | T.A.R . Tattoo Artists Register
El Patron is based in Hong Kong and is guest blogging for Tattoo Artist Register. El patron maintains the website for Flamin' Eight Tattoo in the UK as well as various blogs and web pages including the Flamin’ Eight Blog and Kenton Bar – A Blast From The Past

Julia’s Report from Southampton Convention 2011

I have to agree – it is a strange place….. I used to live there.
What a strange place that was. we wandered to and fro, all over really..... and didn't find much except for a massive freddie mercury statue, an annoying kid outside kfc, a hectic altern-a-youth street party, the oldest pub in the world with the biggest parrot cage ever placed inside a drinking establishment and a pretty awful drag queen show. true story.
so the convention was alright, not crazy busy, but was nice to get outta london for a weekend break really. did enough work to be busy without being stressed which is nice.
here's our spectacularly awesome booth.....
here's some fun stuff i did whilst sitting in aforementioned spectacularly awesome booth....

Julia Seizure In Total Tattoo Magazine

Yeah yeah yeah – I know it is old news but here it goes anyway….
If you want to read it you will have to buy a back copy as the scans are too small to read…..
Julia Seizure – Having fun with bold, brash colour tattoos

Slightly off topic…… Sugar-Sugar

But I had to share this way cool Sugar Skull website that I found.
The designs are fantastic – yeah yeah I know they aren't tattoos but I am sure they can give some inspiration for tattoo designs……